TAG: Tobacco Awareness Group
Every Monday from 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
St. David's Episcopal Church, 138 York Street, Kennebunk
Are you or a loved one thinking about making a healthy change and stopping your tobacco use? TAG can provide accurate information, encouragement, and resources to assist you in becoming tobacco-free.
Addiction Therapist Edward J. Perka, Jr. leads this free, confidential, supportive group for people on their journey to live tobacco-free lives. He has over 30 years of experience in the field and currently holds the National Certification in Nicotine and Tobacco Treatment (NCNTT). For more information, contact Ed at edward.perka@yahoo.com.
Snowshoe Walk in Clifford Park
Wednesday, March 5th from 3-5 PM
Try snowshoes for the first time before you buy your own pair! Hosted by the Biddeford Recreation Department, instruction will be given on fitting and using the equipment, followed by a short hike of approximately two (2) miles, depending on the group's ability. Some snowshoes are available for your use. A Registered Maine Recreation Guide will be leading the walk and information on what to bring is available by clicking below.

Early Care & Education Conference
Saturday, April 26th from 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Sanford Regional Technical Center, 100 Alumni Boulevard, Sanford

Registration is now open for the York County Early Childhood Coalition's Early Care & Education Spring Conference on Saturday, April 26, 2025, at the Sanford Regional Technical Center. Professionals from all over York County will spend the day in workshops and visit vendor tables meant to inspire and support their teaching practices. To learn more about the York County Early Childhood Coalition, click here.
Youth Full Maine Free Food Distribution

Free Community Clothing Closet
Throughout March (Dates & Times Below)
Saco Grange 53, 168 North Street, Saco